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Here you can find the answers to the most commonly asked questions:
Is there parking available?There are on-street parking bays available nearby with one and two hour bays available. Alternatively, Asda next door offers two hours free parking.
How is accessibility?There are two steps at the front of the premises, with a handrail on the left hand side. Walking aids are available.
Why do you only offer 1 hour appointments?Many patients report not feeling like they've been given enough time when attending shorter appointments from other providers. We want to make sure that you feel seen and heard, and get good value for money too.
Why should I choose Armoured Physiotherapy?Armoured Physiotherapy was designed from the ground up to be a versatile space to work closely with a clients from all ages and backgrounds.
How can I pay?We are currently cashless, and are happy to accept card, contactless and BACs payments.
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